Thursday, October 23, 2008

$150,000 Palin Wardrobe

Ok... I have to say something. Personally what Palin buys and how she dresses herself means nothing to me. But here is my concern. I use to be Republican. Yes I gave money to the RNC. I now give to others. I am not rich. So when I give money it means something. That is money I could have used to invest, pay down credit cards or buy food. So when I see campaign contributions used for that I can't even afford that really upsets me.

The upside to this is that I did not give the republicans money this year so it was not my hard earned money that went to waste. It was Joe the Plumber's money.

I wonder how he feels about that? Hey Joe how long did take you earn the money you donated to Palin's clothing?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama Tax Calculator

Try it... Its great.

Welcome and Hello

Welcome to my blog. My blog will contain information about the things I see, learn and feel as go through my pre-to mid life crises. Yes women get those also. And since I am a normal female why the hey shouldn't I vent to the world what a wonderful time I am having or not having. I am open to discussion but I must warn you I prefer facts. Don't give me emotional responses... that's my job as the female here. :)