Monday, May 25, 2015

Seafood Veggie Roll - Mobile Notary Food

As a mobile notary, I am always looking for food that I can eat while driving. The trick is to find finger foods that are easy to eat and healthy. My quest is to never eat out again.
Good bye to fast food.

I found this little bundle of joy at the Korean Market.

I followed the directions and cooked these on the stove top. I have to say they are crunchy, taste good but.... they look nothing like there picture.

Not cute but perfect as mobile food. I totally recommend this to those who are on the road all day.

One last thing to do.... pull the food saver out and shrink wrap. :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

CAKELOVE - CupCake Review - 1 Star

My Rating System:
Possible 5 Stars – Based on: Packaging, Color, Topping, Texture and Taste.

My friends know that I am a cupcake snob. I am not exactly sure how I turned out this way; one can only speculate its some deep seeded resentment for a mom who was not a baker. Don’t all shrinks blame the mom? Either way, here we are. I am constantly in pursuit of the perfect Red Velvet Cupcake. Yes, it’s my white whale.

Today my buddy, Latisha and I were having lunch on U Street and came across a cake store. She ran in and ordered us a couple of Cupcakes to go while I took care of some business up the street. (No I was not looking for a gigolo on 14th street)
Here are the results of my latest cupcake find:

Wax Paper Wrapping
Travel Box
The box is a standard cake box. Nothing special but I did love the sticker that tells you how to take care of your cupcakes. The mistake is on the inside of the box. Each cupcake is wrapped in wax paper!!! Big NO NO!!! Yes it works to separate them but the result is topping all over the paper. Yuck!!
COLOR: - 0 Star
Color is not appealing
The color had a pinkish hue to it. Of course I do not want a cupcake that is drowning in red food coloring either but I do expect it to look appetizing. Bottom line it did not scream “Eat me”.
TOPPING: - ½ Star
Creamy Topping
The topping was very creamy but a wee bit too thick. The bad part…. it left me with a very nasty sour milk after taste. (please send me some extra strength mouthwash… omg)
TEXTURE: - 0 Star
DRY, DRY and did I mention that it was Dry? Something tells me they freeze their cupcakes. I say “nay nay” to cold cakes. Ewww……
TASTE: - 0 Star
You don’t want to know!!! Let me put to you this way.
The trashcan is currently enjoying these cupcakes. J
Salted Carmel Cupcake. Another bad choice.
Overall I give the folks at CakeLove on 1506 U Street NW, Washington DC – 1 Star.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Welcome back to blogging

Yes its been wee while. Did you miss me? I promise to try to post more. Many things have happened since my last post. I will cover everything over the next few weeks.
For now, let me say congrats to Stephen Colbert on getting his Super PAC. I was happy to contribute my hard earned money to the cause. Remember Colbert those are not pretax dollars so use them well. :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

$150,000 Palin Wardrobe

Ok... I have to say something. Personally what Palin buys and how she dresses herself means nothing to me. But here is my concern. I use to be Republican. Yes I gave money to the RNC. I now give to others. I am not rich. So when I give money it means something. That is money I could have used to invest, pay down credit cards or buy food. So when I see campaign contributions used for that I can't even afford that really upsets me.

The upside to this is that I did not give the republicans money this year so it was not my hard earned money that went to waste. It was Joe the Plumber's money.

I wonder how he feels about that? Hey Joe how long did take you earn the money you donated to Palin's clothing?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama Tax Calculator

Try it... Its great.

Welcome and Hello

Welcome to my blog. My blog will contain information about the things I see, learn and feel as go through my pre-to mid life crises. Yes women get those also. And since I am a normal female why the hey shouldn't I vent to the world what a wonderful time I am having or not having. I am open to discussion but I must warn you I prefer facts. Don't give me emotional responses... that's my job as the female here. :)