Monday, October 15, 2012

CAKELOVE - CupCake Review - 1 Star

My Rating System:
Possible 5 Stars – Based on: Packaging, Color, Topping, Texture and Taste.

My friends know that I am a cupcake snob. I am not exactly sure how I turned out this way; one can only speculate its some deep seeded resentment for a mom who was not a baker. Don’t all shrinks blame the mom? Either way, here we are. I am constantly in pursuit of the perfect Red Velvet Cupcake. Yes, it’s my white whale.

Today my buddy, Latisha and I were having lunch on U Street and came across a cake store. She ran in and ordered us a couple of Cupcakes to go while I took care of some business up the street. (No I was not looking for a gigolo on 14th street)
Here are the results of my latest cupcake find:

Wax Paper Wrapping
Travel Box
The box is a standard cake box. Nothing special but I did love the sticker that tells you how to take care of your cupcakes. The mistake is on the inside of the box. Each cupcake is wrapped in wax paper!!! Big NO NO!!! Yes it works to separate them but the result is topping all over the paper. Yuck!!
COLOR: - 0 Star
Color is not appealing
The color had a pinkish hue to it. Of course I do not want a cupcake that is drowning in red food coloring either but I do expect it to look appetizing. Bottom line it did not scream “Eat me”.
TOPPING: - ½ Star
Creamy Topping
The topping was very creamy but a wee bit too thick. The bad part…. it left me with a very nasty sour milk after taste. (please send me some extra strength mouthwash… omg)
TEXTURE: - 0 Star
DRY, DRY and did I mention that it was Dry? Something tells me they freeze their cupcakes. I say “nay nay” to cold cakes. Ewww……
TASTE: - 0 Star
You don’t want to know!!! Let me put to you this way.
The trashcan is currently enjoying these cupcakes. J
Salted Carmel Cupcake. Another bad choice.
Overall I give the folks at CakeLove on 1506 U Street NW, Washington DC – 1 Star.


Unknown said...

Tough critic. Maybe i will have my girlfriend cook you a cupcake. i am sure she can do better than a half star.

GVB said...

Excellent review!!!! I'll bet you learned to be thorough from your Father.

Unknown said...

The sad part is that you just discovered CakeLove. But you know the Muffin man....LOL

garrate said...

I will make you a cupcake, so you can stop complaining. I 'll even throw in a homemade loaf of bread.

Unknown said...

I never tried cupcakes at that location, but I did try the one in Tyson's a while back. I agree with most of what you commented. However, I'd have to give it zero stars if that's possible. I've had better cupcakes out of a box and it didn't cost me half as much. A complete waste of money.